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  • Development Plan & SEF

    The school runs two key documents annually. The Self Evaluation Document reviews all quality assurance and evidence of progress in the previous academic year. The Development Plan uses this analysis to plan strategically for the following academic year. The two documents should be read in conjunction with each other and are used to inform all aspects of the school’s work.

    Each document contains sections on the school’s Leadership and Management, Quality of the Education, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes.

    In the case of an Ofsted inspection, these documents would also be used by the inspection team.

    Our key school objectives for 2024-25 are:

    Leadership and Management
    • Staff workload reduction and wellbeing strategies embedded
    Quality of Education
    • Development of Provision Map to ensure centralised approach to SEN
    Behaviour and Attitudes
    • Develop, implement, and evaluate the rewards and consequences system enhance student motivation and improve student behaviour
    Personal Development
    • Enhance the role of students in their personal development through Student Voice and Leadership